Restoration by Manius Laterensius of an exedra (no. 4091).  Two limestone blocks (blocks A,B of no. 4091); the ends of ll. 2 and 4 continue onto block B; inscription to the left of no. 4091,I.
[ ] Kalymna Isl. — Sanct. of Apollo — Temple of Apollo / Chr. of Jerusalem — ca. 100-50 BC — Memorie F.E.R.T. III (1938) 45, 1 — M. Segre, Tit. Cal. (1952) 130,A
See also:
1 Μά̣νιος Λατερήνσιος
Λευκίου υἱὸς στρατηγ|ὸς
ἐ̣ξ συνκλήτου
δόγματος ἀποκατέστ|ησε.
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