Funerary epigram for Apollodoros, son of Antiphon, of Attica.  Stele of white marble, broken at the top and bottom.
[ ] Kos Isl. — Kos — Asklepieion, nr. — late 4th c. BC — A. Maiuri, NSER (1925) 510 — W. Peek, GVI I (1955) 1062 — M. Segre, Iscr. di Cos (2007) EF 471
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Ἀντιφῶ%⁸⁰ν πατήρ v μ’ ἔφυ-
σ̣εν ⋮ Ἀτθὶ%⁸⁰ς ἦν χώρα πά-
[τ]ρα, / ὄνομα Ἀπολλόδωρ[ος]
[α]ὐτῶι ⋮ σῶμα δὲ ὅδε κρύ-
5 [π]τ̣ει τάφος.     vacat
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