Dedication of a column in honor of the procurator Aurelius Maro. Column of gray marble with blue and white bands, inscribed three times (nos. 4-6).
[ ] Palaestina — Caesarea Maritima — 3rd c. AD (after 260?) — Hommages à Marcel Renard 2 (1969) 467 — ZPE 22 (1976) 170-176 — SEG 26.1674; AnnÉp (1976) 689
1 Α̣ὐ[(ρήλιον) Μ]άρωνα ἐπίτρ(οπον)
τοῦ Σεβ(αστοῦ) διέποντα
τὰ [μέ]ρη τῆς ἡγεμον(ίας)
Ν․[—]ς̣ Ἀλέξανδρος
5 [ἑκατόντ]αρχος τὸν φίλον.
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