Document inscribed during the reign of Rheskouporis III?  Fragment of an opisthographic stele (faces A and B).
[ ] N. Black Sea — Tyritake (Arshintsevo) — 210/221-226/227 AD — Epigraficheskiĭ Vestnik 2 (1995) p. 14, 15 — Ju.G. Vinogradov, per litt. to SEG
See also:
1 [βασιλεύοντος βασιλέως Ῥησ]κουπό-
[ριδος υἱοῦ μεγάλου βασιλέ]ως Σαυ<ρ>[ο]-
[μάτου φιλοκαίσαρος καὶ φιλ]ορωμ[αίου]
[εὐσεβοῦς — — — — — — — — —]σ[— — —]
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