Circular stamps of the duoviri Moschos (?) and Aristoboulos, and of the eponym Hipparchos and fabricant Damokrates (?); both retrograde.  Knidian amphora stamped on both handles.
[ ] Kypros [Knidos] — Nea Paphos (Kato Pafos) — House of Dionysos — ca. 107-98 BC (period VIA)
stamp a.1 ἀνδρῶν [Μόσχου(?), Ἀ]ριστοβούλ[ο]υ.
device: {²bucranium}²
stamp b.1 [Δαμοκράτ]η̣ς(?) ἐπὶ Ἱππ̣[άρχ]ο̣υ. Κνίδιον.
device: {²bucranium}²
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