Funerary inscription of [Mar]c̣us Ulpius Zo[simo]s, Ulpia Tṛyph[ ... ], and children, on altar of white marble; imperial?; found at Stratonikeia: Laumonier, BCH 58, 1934, 342, no. 30; *IStratonikeia 1265 + II 2 p. 35; Varinlioğlu, EA 12, 1988, 83, no. 3.  
[ ] IStr 1265 + II2 p. 35
1 [Μάρ]κ̣ου Οὐλπίου Ζω[σί]-
[μο]υ̣ καὶ Οὐλπίας Τρ̣υφ[—,]
[γυν]αικὸς αὐτοῦ καὶ τέ̣[κνων]
[αὐ]τῶν· ζῶσιν.
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