Dedication to Zeus Panemeros of hair of Epainetianos and Philon under hiereus (Claudius Ulpius Aelius) Eirenaios; 3; found at Panamara: Cousin & Deschamps, BCH 12, 1888, 490, no. 108; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 291, no. 139; Rolland, RPh 65, 1939, 333-334; BE 1940:155; *IStratonikeia 418.  
[ ] IStr 418
1 Διῒ Πανημέρῳ, ἐπὶ ἱερέος Εἰρηναίου, Ἐπαινετιανοῦ
καὶ Φίλωνος κόμαι.
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