Inscription indicating amphodon to defend part of city
wall from tower of Agathe Tyche to tower of Eueteria; III/II;
found at Smyrna: Perrot, RA 32, 1876, 41-44; Fontrier, Mous. II
2-3, 1876-8, 51, no. 120; Syll3 961; Wilhelm, AAWW 61, 1924,
116-117 (= Akadschr. II 160); *ISmyrna 613.a (PH).
[ ]
ISmyrn 613a
1 | τοὺς ἐν τῶι ἀν- |
φόδωι τετά- | |
χθαι ἀπὸ τοῦ | |
πύργου τοῦ τῆ- | |
5 | ς Ἀγαθῆς Τύ- |
χης ἕως τοῦ | |
τῆς Εὐετηρί- | |
ας. |