Inscription in elegiacs commemorating Demeas’s
destruction of statue of Artemis and replacement with symbol of
Christ; 42; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, AAWW 42, 1905, 86;
Heberdey, JÖAI 8, 1905, 69; FiE I 103-104; Grégoire, Rec. 104;
Bakhuizen van den Brink 101-106, no. 8; Cabrol-Leclercq, Dic.
d’arch. chre7t. V 140, no. 4; Schultze, Altchristliche
Landschaften II 2, 99-100; Guarducci, Epig. grec. IV 400-401, no.
8; Foss, Ephesus 32, note 5; *IEph 1351.
[ ]
IEph 1351
1 | [δαίμ]ονος Ἀρ- |
τέμιδος καθελὼν | |
ἀπατήλιον εἶδος | |
Δημέας ἀτρεκίης | |
5 | ἄνθετο σῆμα τόδε, |
εἰδώλων ἐλατῆρα | |
θεὸν σταυρόν τε | |
γερέρων, νικοφό- | |
ρον Χριστοῦ σύν- | |
10 | βολον ἀθάνατον. |