Dedication in Latin and Greek to Artemis Ephesia, Divus Claudius, Nero, Agrippina, and demos [of Ephesos] by (no name) and wife Claudia Metrodora on architrave of wall of Agora; AD 54/59; found at Ephesos: CIG 2959, 2960, 3974b (part); LW 1564ter (part); du Rieu, Ét. Leemans 247 no. I (part); Heberdey, JÖAI 10, 1907, 68; Keil, FiE III no. 3; *IEph 3003.  
[ ] IEph 3003
1.1 Dianae Ephesiae, Divo Clau[dio, Neroni Claudio Caesari Augusto <⁶¹]>⁶¹[⁵¹Germa]nico]⁵¹ ❦, Agrippinae Aug[ustae], civita[ti Ephesiorum]
[—] ❦ cum Claudia Metro]dora uxor[e —]
2.1 [Ἀρτέμιδι Ἐφεσίᾳ, θεῷ Κλαυδίῳ, Νέρωνι Κλαυδί]ῳ Καίσαρι Σεβαστῷ <⁶¹>⁶¹[⁵¹Γερμανικῷ]⁵¹ ❦, Ἀγριππείνῃ Σ[ε]βαστ[τῇ, τῷ Ἐφεσίων δήμῳ]
[— ἐκ τ]ῶν ἰδίων κατασκευάσας ἀνέθηκεν ❦ σὺν Κλαυδίᾳ Μητροδώρᾳ τῇ γυναικί.
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