Main Corpora
IMT 700-745, Adramyttenos Kolpos
IMT 1001-1105, Granikos mit Pariane
IMT 1120-1234, Aisepos & Kadiköy Dere
IMT 1301-1394, Kyzikene, Propontisinseln
IMT 1401-1856, Kyzikene, Kapu Dağ
IMT 1860-2010, Kyzikene, Propontisküste
IMT 2011-2104, Kyzikene, L. Dascylitis
IMT 2150-2417, L. Apolloniatis & Miletupolis
IMT 2501-2578, Mittlerer Makestos
IMT 2601-2668, Abrettene
IMT 2680-2796, Olympene (+ 2801, unbestimmter Fundort)
IMT 2850-2920 (Tr.), 2921, 2922-2964 (Mys.), Siegelinschriften
Regional and Site Corpora
- Attica (IG I-III)
- Peloponnesos (IG IV-[VI])
- Central Greece (IG VII-IX)
- Northern Greece (IG X)
- Thrace and the Lower Danube (IG X)
- North Shore of the Black Sea
- Aegean Islands, incl. Crete (IG XI-[XIII])
- Asia Minor
- Cyprus ([IG XV])
- Greater Syria and the East
- Egypt, Nubia and Cyrenaïca
- North Africa
- Sicily, Italy, and the West (IG XIV)
- Upper Danube
- Unknown Provenances