Epitaph of the freedman Numerius Castricius Kyros and freedwoman Castricia [-].  Heroon of the Castricii; wallstone of white marble, broken on the right.
[ ] Kos Isl. — Kos — Dyo Myloi — 1st c. AD — M. Segre, Iscr. di Cos (2007) EF 352 — Ch. Tsouli, Mnēmeia (Diss. 2013) 737
1 Νεμερίου Καστρι[κίου Νεμερίου]
    vacat      Κύρου.      [   vacat   ]
Καστρικίας Νεμερίου [— — — —].
      vacat 0,125
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