Epitaph of C. Veturius Sabinianus.  Marble stele with two triangular pediments, broken at the sides and top; a relief garland below the inscription.
[ ] Capp. — Kaisareia (Kayseri) or area of [Kayseri Mus.] — 3rd c. AD — Olba 18 (2010) 311, 4 — AnnÉp (2010) 1674
See also:
1 [Αὐρ(ηλία)] Οὐε-
[τ]ω̣ρί̣[α] Μα[ρ]-
[κ]εῖνα Γ̣(αίῳ) Οὐ[ε]-
τωρίῳ Σαβε̣[ι]-
5 νιανῷ πατ[ρί].
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