Invocation of Ceres, Proserpina, and other gods.  Rectangular lead tablet, inscribed on both sides; side B now illegible.
[ ] Korinthia — Korinthos — Akrokorinthos: Sanct. of Demeter & Kore — 4th c. AD — Corinth 18,6 (2013) 132, 135 — AnnÉp (2013) 1412
side A.1 domini soc[ii]
santae [Dia]nae, [sa]-
nte Mar, [san]-
te Mercur[i, sa]-
5 nte [— —, santa]
Benus, sant<i>a-
tur, sic sentio,
qui in isto <t>emp<l>o
abitamini, ute
10 de[vinc]iatis me.
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