Epitaph with an imprecation.  Lower left corner of a slab of grayish marble.
[ ] Korinthia — Korinthos — Agora — 4th/5th c. AD — Corinth 8,1 171 — N. Bees, Corpus I (1941) 26
See also:
[— — — — — —]
κ̣ῖτα̣[ι — — — — ἐ]-
πληρώ[θη — — —]
ἕως ἀ[ναστάσεως]
[ἐ]ωνί[ας· εἴ τις τολμή]-
5 [σ]η ἀν[ῦξε τοῦτο, τῷ Θ(ε)ῷ]
δώση λ[όγον ἐπὶ τῆ]-
ς γῆς κὲ ἐπ’ [οὐρανοῖς].
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