Dedication to Zeus Olympios, Hera Olympia, and all the gods for their protection of the city.  Plaque of gray marble, preserved at the top and on the right.
[ ] Kos Isl. — Kos — 2nd c. AD — M. Segre, Iscr. di Cos (1993) EV 101
            vacat 0,065
[Διὶ κ]αὶ Ἥρᾳ Ὀλυμ-
[πίο]ις καὶ θεοῖς
[πᾶσ]ι σώζουσι
[τὴ]ν̣ πόλιν εὐχα-
5 [ρι]στήριον.
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