Epitaph of Tryphosa, daughter of Kallistratos and Earine.  Fragment of a pedimental stele of white marble, broken at the top and bottom; a wreath in a recessed field above the inscription.
[ ] Lydia — Philadelphia (Alaşehir) — Şeritli (Tetrapyrgia?), area of — 124/125 or 70/71 AD — EA 26 (1996) 16, 10 — SEG 46.1534
1 ἔτους ρνε, μη(νὸς) Δαισί-
ου ϛιʹ· Καλλίσστρατο-
ς καὶ Ἐαρίνη ἐτείμη-
σαν Τρυφῶσαν τὴν
5 ἑαυτῶν θυγατέρα̣.
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