Epitaph of Nisa, daughter of Paithos.  No description; now lost.
[ ] Galatia, N. — Pessinous (Ballıhisar) — Sivrihisar — Rom. Imp. period — CIG 3.4087 — G. Perrot, Exploration arch. 1 (1872) 207, 105 — CIJ 2.797
1 Ἀννόνιος Ἐρεμασ-
του Νίσῃ Παιθ̣ο-
υ τῇ ἰδίᾳ συμβίῳ
καὶ Ἀκύλας καὶ
5 Ἐρεμαστης καὶ
Μομμων καὶ Δει-
δως τῇ ἑαυτῶν
μητρὶ μνήμης
vacat χάριν. vacat
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