Epitaph of C. Sentius Priscus and his freedman Fortunatus.  Column of light-colored marble or limestone with relief garland.
[ ] Lycia (Kibyratis) — Kibyra (Gölhisar-Horzum) — Bayır — Rom. Imp. period — BCH 16 (1892) 439, 85 — N.P. Milner, Epigr. Survey (1998) 34, 81 — SEG 48.1671 (cf.)
1   Γάϊος Σέν-
  τιος Πρεῖσ-
κος ἀνέστη-
σεν ἑαυτὸν
5 καὶ τὸν ἀπελεύ-
θερον αὐτοῦ
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