Epitaph of the priest Menis and his wife, Nana.  Column of reddish limestone.
[ ] Lycia (Kibyratis) — Kibyra (Gölhisar-Horzum) — Küçükalan, south of — 2nd/3rd c. AD — AJA 3 (1887) 363 — J.R.S. Sterrett, Epigr. Journey (1888) 37, 37 — E.N. Lane, CCIS II (1985) 20, 44
1 Μῆνις Ἀ̣πολωνί̣-
ου ἑαυτῷ ζῶν
καὶ Νανᾳ τῇ γυναι|κὶ
vac. ζώσῃ ❦
5 ἱερεὺς Δήμητρος
κα̣ὶ Σαοάζου.
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