Honorific inscription for Marsyas, son of Troilos, a priest of Zeus Soter.  Block built into the back wall of the diazoma of the theater.
[ ] Lycia (Kibyratis) — Kibyra (Gölhisar-Horzum) — 1st c. AD — E. Petersen - F. v. Luschan, Reisen in Lykien II (1889) 187, 246
1 Μαρσύαν Τρωΐλου εὐσεβῆ ἱερέα
Διὸς Σωτῆρος εἰς αἰῶνα φυλὴ Μου-
     %⁸¹σαίου Κάστορος. vacat
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