Epitaph of Apollonios and Zoune.  Two joining fragments of the upper part of a limestone pedimental stele; in the pediment a relief representation of a rider, a seated woman, and a female slave.
[ ] Scythia Minor — Tomis (Constanța) — Piatra — late 2nd c. AD — Pontica 8 (1975) 391, 2 — S. Conrad, Die Grabstelen aus Moesia inferior (2004) 174, 184
below relief.1 Ἀπολ[λ]νιος
Δάδα[ς ἀ]νέστη-
σε τὴν [σ]τή[λη]ν
ἑαυτ[ῷ] καὶ
5 [τ]ῇ ἰδί[ᾳ σ]υμβίῳ
Ζου[νῃ? Ἀτ]τικοῦ
Θ̣Ι̣Α̣Τ̣[— —] θ̣υ̣γ̣[ατρὶ]
[— — — — — — —]
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