Epitaph of Publius Castricius.  Fragment of the left part of a stele of pinkish white limestone.
[ ] Boiotia — Thespiai — late 3rd/2nd c. BC (Vottéro) — BCH 82 (1958) 140, 208 — SEG 19.367(g) — P. Roesch, Études béotiennes (1982) 176, n. 154 (SEG 32.507)
version 1.1 Πό̣[πλιε — — Κα]-
στρίκι[ε Ποπλίο]-
υ χρησ[τὲ χαῖρε].
version 2.1 Π̣[όπλιε Κα]-
στρίκι[ε (patronym.) —ο]-
υ χρησ[τὲ χαῖρε].
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