Circular stamps of the eponym Archilaidas and fabricant Nikasion.  Rhodian amphora, stamped on both handles.
[ ] Kypros [Rhodos] — Nea Paphos (Kato Pafos) — ca. 168/166-ca. 161 BC (period IIIe) — C. Barker, in: Transport Amphorae and Trade (2004) 82, 16 — SEG 55.1536
stamp a.1 [Νικ]ασίωνο[ς].
device: {²rose in center, anchor?}²
stamp b.1 ἐπὶ Ἀ[ρχιλ]αΐδα. Δαλίου.
device: {²rose in center}²
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