Quotation from Psalm 28.3 and Christian invocation.  One-handled silver jug; inscription (A) along the rim, inscription (B), comprising five cruciform monograms in circles, on the bottom.
[ ] Illyria — Vrap — late 6th c. AD (A) and ca. 670-690 AD (B) — Psalm 28.3 — Altai-Iran und Völkerwanderung (1917) 19-22 — Ad Fontes! Festschrift für Gerhard Dobesch (2004) 855-858
A.1 ☩ φονὴ Κυρείου ἐπεὶ το͂ν ὑδάτον
B.monogr. 1.1 Κύρ(ι)ε
monogr. 2.2 βωήθη
monogr. 3.3 τοῦ δούλου σου
monogr. 4.4 Τζοβονίου(?)
monogr. 5.5 ἀμήν.
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