Epitaph of Moles and Artemeis.  Stele of local red and white breche; inscription below a relief scene.
[ ] Lycia (Kibyr.) — Tyriaion (Teke Kozağaçı) — 2nd/3rd c. AD — ZPE 29 (1978) 114, 14 — SEG 28.1243
1 Ἑρμαῖος καὶ Ἡρ[α]-
κλέων καὶ Νανν[α]
Μολητα Ἑρμαί-
ου τὸν πατέρα
5 καὶ Αρτεμειν τὴν
μετέρα {²⁶μητέρα}²⁶ μνήμης {ε}
{²vacat}² ἕνεκεν.
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