Epitaph of Aurelius Kornous and his mother, Aurelia Ge. Column drum of local red and white breche.
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Lycia (Kibyr.) — Tyriaion (Teke Kozağaçı) — 3rd c. AD (after 197) — Heberdey, Kalinka, Bericht (1897) 10, 30 — IGR III 479
1 | Αὐρ. Κορνους Ἑρμαί- |
ου Κάρμωνος στρα- | |
τευόμενος ἐν λε- | |
γεῶνι πρειμοπ[αρ]- | |
5 | θικᾷ ἀνέστησα ἑ[α]υ- |
τὸν καὶ τὴν μητέ- | |
ρα αὐτοῦ Αὐρ. [Γ]ην | |
Κάρμωνος, Βαλ- | |
βουρεὺς τῆς κο- | |
10 | λωνίᾳ γειτοσύ- |
νης Πύρου ποτα- | |
μοῦ {²vacat}² |