Dedication to (Artemis?) Soteira by Sophon, with artist’s
signature by Athanodoroṣ, on block; c. 167/100 BC; found at
Loryma: Parnassos 4, 1880, 834 (non vidi); Benndorf, AEM 6, 1882,
156-157; Benndorf, Reisen I 22, no. 7; Löwy 302; Förster, JDAI 6,
1891, 194, no. 6 (PH); van Gelder, Mnemosyne 24, 1896, 190, no.
9; *van Gelder, Geschichte 440, no. 2.
[ ]
van Gelder, Gesch. 440:2
1 | Σόφων Σωτείραι. |
Ἀθανόδωρος | |
ἐποίησε. |