Dedication to Zeus Panamaros and Hera by Tib(erius) Fl(avius) Iason Aeneas and Ael(ia) Statilia Pythiane of (statues of) Sarapis and Isis and of their neos and bomos; 22; found at Panamara: Cousin & Deschamps, BCH 11, 1887, 389-390, no. 6; Laumonier, BCH 61, 1937, 260, no. 70; Vidman, Sylloge no. 279; *IStratonikeia 207.  
[ ] IStr 207
1 Διῒ Πα-
ναμάρῳ καὶ
Ἥρᾳ ἱερεὺς ἐν Κομυρί-
Τιβ(έριος) Φλ(άουιος) Ἰάσων Αἰνείας, ἱέρει-
5 α Αἰλ(ία) Στατιλία Πυθιανὴ τὸν Σάραπιν καὶ
[τὴ]ν Εἶσιν καὶ τὸν νεὼν αὐτῶν καὶ τὸν βωμὸν καθιέρωσα[ν.]
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