Milestone for eighth mile in Latin and Greek, dedicated to [Constan]tine (I), Constantine (II), Constantius (II), and Constans; AD 334/337; found at Pınarbaşİ: Fontrier, REA 3, 1901, 349-351; CIL III Supp. 14201 IGRR IV 1489.a; *ISmyrna 818.III.  
[ ] ISmyrn 818III
1 [dd(ominis) vacat nn(ostris)]
[Constan]ṭịṇo Maxi-
ṃo ṣ[e][p]ẹr Aug(usto)
<⁶¹>⁶¹[⁵¹et Constantino]⁵¹
5 [et Co]ṇstanti[o]
[et C]ọnstaṇti
ṇobb(ilibus) Caess(aribus).
μι(λιάριον) ηʹ.
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