Funerary inscription by Claudia for Zosime with prohibition of unauthorized burial; no date; found on north slope of Değirmentepe: *MDAI(I) 1965, p. 125, no. 7 (PH).  
[ ] MDAI(I) 1965, 125, no. 7
See also:
1 τ<ὸ> μν<η>με<ῖ>ο-
ν Κλ<αυ>δία Ζωσί-
εἶθ’ οὐ<δ>ενὶ ἑ<τέ>ρ<ῳ>
5 ἐ<ξ>έ<σ>ται τ<α>φῆ-
ναι εἰ μὴ <ο>ὓς ἂ<ν>
ἐγ<ὼ> διατά<ξ>ω-
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