Dedication in Latin to Bona Fortuna of Elagabalus; AD 218/222; found at Ephesos: Knibbe, JÖAI 49, 1968-1971 Beibl. 83-84, no. 17 and Abb. 41; AnnEpig 1972, 595; *IEph 723, ll. 1-3 and Add. p. 20; Eck, ZPE 42, 1981, 248-249.  
[ ] IEph 723.1-3 + Add. p. 20
1 B(onae) vacat F(ortunae)
domini n(ostri) Imp(eratoris) M(arci) Aur(elii) <⁶¹>⁶¹[⁵¹Antonini]⁵¹ Pii
Felicis vacat Aug(usti).
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