Dedication in Latin and Greek to A[r]tem[is E]phesi[a], Trajan, and dem[os] of Ephesos, by Aulus A[ ... ]cius Crispinus, of statues of Daidalos and Ikaros; AD 102/114; found at Ephesos: Heberdey, JÖAI 1, 1898 Beibl. 76; *IEph 517.  
[ ] IEph 517
1 [—]․a[—]
[— Ge]rm[ani]-
[co Dacico et civitati] Ephes[i]-
[orum A(ulus) A․․cius A(uli) f(ilius)] Palati-
5 [na Crispinus pr]omag(ister) du-
[u]m [p(ublicorum) XXXX] p(ortuum) A(siae) IIII et XX
lib(ertatis) III [Daed]alum et Icarum
cum basi d(edicavit) ❦
<⁶¹>⁶¹[⁵¹Ἀ̣[ρ]τ̣έ̣μδ]ι̣ [Ἐ]φ̣ε̣σ̣ί̣[αι]⁵¹ καὶ Αὐτο]-
10 κράτορι Νέρουᾳ Τ[ρ]αιαν[ῶ]ι
Καίσαρι Σεβαστῶι [Γε]ρ̣[μ]α̣ν̣[ικῶι]
Δακικῶι καὶ τῶι [νε]ωκόρωι
Ἐφεσίων δήμ̣[ωι] Α̣ὖλος Α[․․]-
κιος Αὔλου υἱὸς Π̣αλατείν[α]
15 Κρισπεῖνος ἀρχώνης τεσ[σα]-
ρακοστῆς λιμένων Ἀσίας [δʹ]
καὶ εἰκοστῆς ἐλευθεριῶν γʹ
τὸν Δαίδαλον καὶ Εἴκαρον
σὺν τῇ βάσει ἀνέθηκεν.
20 <⁶⁷ΝΦ?>⁶⁷
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