Dedication to (no name) of mageireia and associated constructions by (no name); imperial; found near Ephesos: JÖAI 52, 37-38, no. 44; *IEph 448.  
[ ] IEph 448
1 γερ[—] φ̣ι̣-
λοσέβ(αστος) τὰ μαγει-
ρεῖα καὶ τὰς κα-
τ’ αὐτῶν ἐποική-
5 σεις ἐκ θεμελί-
ων σὺν καὶ τῇ
στρώσει τοῦ ἐ-
δάφους κατα-
σκ̣[ευ]άσας παρ’ ἑ-
10 α̣[υτοῦ ἀνέ]θηκεν.
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